Comics Plus
Unlimited comics online with your library card!
Genre Neutral YA Book Discussion
3rd Tuesday of the Month
13+ Teen Area
March: Gorgeous Gruesome Faces by Linda Cheng
April: Dear Medusa by Oliva Cole
May: Not Here to Be Liked by Michelle Quach
OverDrive eReading Room for Teens
eBooks and eAudiobooks just for teens, searchable by grade level and Lexile.
YALSA'S Teen Book Finder
The Teen Book Finder from the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) is a free app to help teens, parents, librarians and library staff, educators, and anyone who loves YA literature access the past three years' of YALSA's awards and lists. It is currently only available for iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad. Visit YALSA's site to try it out.