Mission Statement

The Port Jervis Free Library is dedicated to the development and promotion of collections, services, and programs which provide opportunities for educational, business, professional, and personal enrichment. The trustees, director, and staff together are committed to excellence and innovation in library services and operations as well as growth consistent with the community’s ability to provide funding and support.

How to Get a Library Card

Library cards are available for free to permanent residents of the Port Jervis School District. With your library card, you can: check out books, magazines, DVDs and CDs; place holds and access your account online; access library databases from home; download audiobooks and ebooks; use the Library's public computers and Internet; and connect to wireless Internet. If your library card is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the Library. Replacement cards cost $5.00.

Residents in the Towns of Minisink are eligible to receive a LOCAL USE ONLY card with Port Jervis Free Library. 


Adults aged 18 or over:

  • must live in the Port Jervis School Disrict
  • must have proof of address (i.e. utility bill with current address)
  • must have a picture ID (acceptable forms of picture identification include driver's license, school ID, military ID, or passport)
  • may check out any circulating library materials
  • must pay late fines and for damaged or lost library materials
  • non-resident property owners within the Port Jervis School District must bring in their school/property tax bill annually, along with their picture ID

Children from 5-17 years:

  • must live in the Port Jervis School District
  • must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who has a picture ID with proof of address
  • must pay for damaged or lost library materials
  • need parental permission to use the Internet
  • cannot checkout library DVDs, electronics, or board games

Port Jervis Free Library Borrowing Policy

Patron Policy

You can access our Patron Conduct Policy here.

Internet Safety Policy

Our current Internet Safety Policy can be found here.

FOIL Policy

You can access our FOIL Policy here.

Contractor Agreement

You can access our Contractor Agreement here.